What Does the Acronym Tarp Stand for
Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations
The glossary of acronyms and abbreviations below represent terms used and referred to by DHS, its divisions and offices, consumers, providers and other agencies.
Some of these acronyms can mean completely different terms in a department or setting other than the Department of Human Services and its divisions and offices.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | XYZ |
AAA | Area Agency on Aging |
AADSP | Alzheimer's Adult Day Services Program |
AATF | Adults with Autism Task Force |
AATOD | American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence |
ABD | Aged, Blind, and Disabled (NJ Medicaid for) |
ACCAP | AIDS Community Care Alternatives Program (DDD) |
ACL | Administration for Community Living |
ACLU | American Civil Liberties Union |
ACSA | AGIS (AssistGuide Information System) County SAMS Administrator |
ACTF | Acute Care Task Force (DMHS) |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
ADADS | Alcohol and Drug Abuse Data System |
ADD | Attention Deficit Disorder |
ADDP | AIDS Drug Distribution Program |
ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
ADHS | Adult Day Health Services, formally known as Medical Day Care |
ADL | Activities of Daily Living |
ADL(s) | Activity (Activities) of Daily Living |
ADRC | Aging and Disability Resource Connection |
ADSSP | Alzheimer's Disease and Support Services Program |
AFC | Adult Family Care |
AHCPR | Agency for Health Care Policy and Research |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
AKFC | Anne Klein Forensic Center |
AL | Assisted Living |
ALD | Assistive Listening Device |
ALF | Assisted Living Facility |
ALP | Assisted Living Program, GO services provided in subsidized housing--Medicaid Waiver |
ALR | Assisted Living Residence |
ALS | Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - a.k.a. Lou Gehrig's Disease |
AMTA | American Methadone Treatment Association |
AO | Administrative Order (from the Commissioner) |
AoA | Administration on Aging |
AOC | Administrative Office of the Courts |
AOD | Alcohol and Other Drugs |
APC | Area Plan Contract |
APH | Ancora Psychiatric Hospital |
APS | Adult Protective Services |
ARRA | American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 |
ASAA | American Society of American Addictions |
ASAM | American Society of Addiction Medicine |
ASI | Addiction Severity Index |
ASL | American Sign Language |
ASPI | Asperger Syndrome Pilot Initiative (DDD) |
ATS | Addiction Treatment Services (DAS) |
ATTC | Addiction Technology Transfer Center |
BENJ | Business Enterprises of NJ (CBVI) |
BPA | Bisphenol A (OPMRDD) |
BSS | Board of Social Services - also known as County Welfare Agencies |
BVI | Blind and Visually Impaired |
CAC | Citizens Advisory Committee (DAS) |
CADC | Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor |
CAP | Consumer Assistance Program |
CARF | Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities or Council on Accreditation of Residential Facilities |
CART | Communication Assisted Realtime Translation (DDHH) |
CBC | Center Based Care (DFD) |
CBOSS | County Boards Of Social Services |
CBT | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy |
CBVI | Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired |
CCC | Community Choice Counselor |
CCIS | Children's Crisis Intervention Services |
CCR | Community Care Residence |
CCRC | Continuing Care Retirement Communities |
CCR&R | Child Care Resource & Referral (DFD) |
CCW | Community Care Waiver |
CD | Chemical Dependence or Chemically Dependent |
CDC or CDCP | Center for Disease Control and Prevention |
CDS | Controlled Dangerous Substance |
CDSMP | Chronic Disease Self-Management Program |
CEPP | Conditional Extension Pending Placement |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CFSR | Child Family Service Review |
CFT | Child Family Team |
CFU | Central Fingerprint Unit |
CHIPP | Child Health and Injury Prevention Program (OPMRDD) |
CHLP | Community HealthLaw Project |
CHSP | Congregate Housing Services Program |
CIACC | County Interagency Coordinating Council |
CICRF | Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund |
CIFA | Center for Innovative Family Achievements |
CIL | Center for Independent Living |
CILS | Centers for Independent Living |
CIMU | Critical Incident Management Unit |
CLP | Community Living Program |
CMO | Care Management Organization |
CMS | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services or Contract Management System |
CN | Certificate of Need |
CNA | Certified Nursing Assistant |
CNACL | Certificate of Need and Acute Care Licensing |
COA | Council On Accreditation for Children and Family Services |
COMHCO | Coalition of Mental Health Consumers Organizations |
COSA | Children of Substance Abusers |
COSAC | Center for Outreach and Services for the Autism Community, Inc |
CP | Cerebral Palsy |
CPCH | Comprehensive Personal Care Home – A form of ALF |
C-PEP | Children's Placement Enhancement Pilot |
CPS | Child Protection Specialist or Case Practice Specialist |
CPSAI | Child Protection Substance Abuse Initiative |
CQI | Continuous Quality Improvement |
CREW | Office of Community Resources Education and Wellness |
CRPD | Community Resources for People with Disabilities Waiver (DDS) |
CSA | Contracted Systems Administrator |
CSAP | Center for Substance Abuse Prevention |
CSAT | Center for Substance Abuse Treatment |
CSS | County Service Specialist |
CST | Child Study Team |
CWA | County Welfare Agency |
CWLA | Child Welfare League of America |
CWR | Child Welfare Reform |
DAS | Division of Addiction Services (DHS) |
DCA | Department of Community Affairs or Division of Consumer Affairs (DLPS) |
DCBHS | Division of Child Behavioral Health (DCF) |
DCF | Department of Children and Families |
DCR | Division of Civil Rights (DLPS) |
DCs | Division Circulars (DDD) |
DD | Developmental Disability |
DDD | Division of Developmental Disabilities (DHS) |
DDHH | Division of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHS) |
DDRT | Developmental Disabilities Resource Tool |
DDS | Division of Disability Services (DHS) |
DDTF | Dual Diagnosis Task Force (DAS / DDD / DMHS) |
DFD | Division of Family Development (DHS) |
DHS | NJ Department of Human Services (or federally, Department of Homeland Security) |
DHSS | Department of Health and Senior Services |
DHWI | Disability Health & Wellness Initiative (DDS) |
DLPS | Department of Law & Public Safety |
DMAHS | Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services (DHS) |
DMHS | Division of Mental Health Services (DHS) |
DO | District Office |
DoAS | Division of Aging Services (formerly Divisions of Aging and Community Services and Senior Benefits and Utilization Management) |
DOC | Department of Corrections |
DOE | Department of Education |
DOJ | Department of Justice |
DOL or DOLWD | Department of Labor & Workforce Development |
DPCP | Division of Parole and Community Programs (DOC) or Division of Prevention and Community Partnership (DCF) |
DSMP | Diabetes Self-Management Program |
DUII | Driving Under the Influence Initiative (DAS) |
DURB | Drug Utilization Review Board (DMAHS) |
DVRS | Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DOL) |
DYFS | Division of Youth and Family Services (now part of DCF instead of DHS) |
EA | Emergency Assistance (DFD) |
EBP | Extranet Business Partners (DFD) |
EBT | Electronic Benefits Transfer, Families First Card (DFD) |
EE | Extended Employment |
EEOC | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (US) |
EIPS | Early Intervention and Prevention Services (DAS) |
EITC | Earned Income Tax Credit |
EOs | Executive Orders (from the Governor) |
FAS | Fetal Alcohol Syndrome |
FASD | Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders |
FASDOPATF | Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders & Other Perinatal Addictions Task Force |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission |
FFC | Families First Card, Electronic Benefits Transfer card (DFD) |
FFS | Fee-for-Service |
FQHC | Federally Qualified Health Center |
FSO | Family Support Organization |
FT | Family Team |
FTM | Family Team Meeting |
GA | General Assistance (DFD) |
GMO | Grants Management Officer |
GPPH | Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital |
GO | Global Options for Long-Term Care |
GP NFCSP | Grandparent National Family Caregiver Support Program |
HAAD | Hearing Aid to Aged and Disabled |
HCBS | Home and Community-Based Services |
HDM | Home Delivered Meals |
HealthEASE | Single entry system for health promotion/disease prevention information & coordination |
HH | Hard of Hearing |
HI | Hearing Impaired |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |
HIT | Health Information Technology |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
HMO | Health Maintenance Organization |
HPH | Hagedorn Psychiatric Hospital |
HR | Human Resources |
HRC | Housing Resource Center |
HRSA | Health Resources and Services Administration (US) |
HSP | Human Services Police |
HUD | Department of Housing and Urban Development (US) |
IAIU | Institutional Abuse Investigative Unit (DCF) |
I/A or I/R | Information & Assistance / Referral |
IADL(s) | Instrumental Activity (Activities) of Daily Living (e.g. making phone calls, writing checks) |
IAS | Information and Assistance Services |
ICC | Inspection, Compliance and Complaints |
ICM | Intensive Case Management |
ICMS | Integrated Case Management Services |
ID | Intellectual Disabilities (term preferred over "mental retardation") |
IDDT | Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment |
IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |
IDP | Intoxicated Driving Program |
IDRC | Intoxicated Driver Resource Center |
IDT | Interdisciplinary Team |
IEP | Individual Education Plan |
IFSS | Intensive Family Support Services |
IHP | Individual Habilitation Plan |
IL | Independent Living (CBVI) |
ILOB | Independent Living Older Blind (CBVI) |
IOP | Intensive Outpatient |
IPAC | Implementation and Planning Advisory Council (DDD) |
IPE | Individualized Plan for Employment |
I&R | Information and Referral |
ISP | Individual Service Plan |
ITFPLP | Interagency Task Force on the Prevention of Lead Poisoning, NJ |
JACC | Jersey Assistance for Community Caregivers |
JCAHO | Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations |
JFCC | Juvenile/Family Crisis Center |
JJC | Juvenile Justice Commission |
JKTC | Joseph Kohn TrainingCenter (CBVI) |
JTPA | Job Training Partnership Act |
KIV | Keys to InnerVision |
LACADA | Local Advisory Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse |
LAD | Law Against Discrimination (NJ) |
LCADC | Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor |
LIHEAP | Low Income Heating & Energy Assistance Program |
LIS | Licensing Information System |
LOC | Level of Care |
LOCI | Level of Care Index |
LOS | Length of Stay orLevel of Service |
LRC | Licensed Residential Capacity or Learning Resource Center |
LTC | Long Term Care |
LTR | Long Term Residential |
LTSS | Long Term Services and Supports |
MAAC | Medical Assistance Advisory Council (DMAHS) |
MACC | Medical Assistance Customer Center (DMAHS) |
MAP | Mutual Agreement Program |
MA-PD | Medicare Advantage Plan (HMO, PPO) with a prescription drug benefit |
MAST | Michigan Alcohol Screening Test |
MAT | Medically Assisted Treatment |
MD | Muscular Dystrophy |
MDA | Muscular Dystrophy Association |
MDSHC | Minimum Data Set for Home Care., InterRAI assessment tool. |
MDT | Multi-Disciplinary Team |
MFP | Money Follows the Person |
MICA | Mentally Ill Chemical Abuser |
MIM | Medication Information Manual (DMHS) |
MIPPA | Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act |
MIOP | Methadone Intensive Outpatient |
MIS | Management Information Systems (DDS) |
MM | Methadone Medication |
MMIS | Medicaid Management Information System (DMAHS) |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MR | Mental Retardation (the term Intellectual Disabilities is preferred) |
MRSS | Mobile Response and Stabilization Services |
MS | Multiple Sclerosis |
MVC | Motor Vehicle Commission |
NACCHO | National Association of County & City Health Officials |
NAMI | National Alliance for the Mentally Ill |
NAPIS | National Aging Program Information System |
NARA | National Association for Regulatory Administration |
NASADAD | National Association of State Alcohol/Drug Abuse Directors |
NASUAD | National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (formerly NASUA) |
NBCAT | Needs-based Comprehensive Assessment Tool |
NCQA | National Committee for Quality Assurance |
NETI | Needle Exchange Treatment Initiative (DAS) |
NF | Nursing Facility |
NFCSP | National Family Caregiver Support Program (Title III E of the Older Americans Act) |
NI | Neurologically Impaired |
NIAAA | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism |
NICHCY | National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities |
NIDA | National Institute on Drug Abuse |
NIMAC | National Instructional Materials Access Center (CBVI) |
NIMAS | National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (CBVI) |
NJ Choice | Statewide comprehensive assessment tool, aka MI Choice |
NJ4A | NJ Association of Area Agencies on Aging |
NJAC | New Jersey Administrative Code |
NJACP | New Jersey Association of Community Providers |
NJAI | New Jersey Access Initiative |
NJAMHA | New Jersey Association of Mental Health Agencies |
NJCDD | New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities |
NJCFSA | New Jersey Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association |
NJEFA | New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority |
NJFC | New Jersey FamilyCare |
NJHRC | New Jersey Housing Resource Center |
NJITFPLP | New Jersey Interagency Task Force on the Prevention of Lead Poisoning |
NJMMIS | New Jersey Medicaid Management Information System |
NJMRP | New Jersey Modular Ramps Project |
NJNDP | New Jersey Nurse Delegation Project |
NJP&A | New Jersey Protection and Advocacy - now called Disability Rights |
NJR | New Jersey Register |
NJSA | New Jersey Statutes Annotated |
NJ-SAMS | New Jersey Substance Abuse Monitoring System |
NJSPCP | New Jersey Supplemental Prenatal Care Program |
NOMs | National Outcome Measures |
NOS | Not Otherwise Specified |
OAA | Older Americans Act |
OAL | Office of Administrative Law (State of NJ) |
OCA | Office of the Child Advocate (State of NJ) |
OCCO | Office of Community Choice Options (manages pre-admission screening) |
OCD | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder |
OCP | Office of Community Programs |
OCPM | Office of Contract Policy & Management (DHS) |
OCS | Office of Children Services - County level (DCF) |
OEM | Office of Emergency Management (DHS) |
OIAS | Office of Information and Assistance Services (DDS) |
OIG | Office of the Inspector General (US) |
OIS | Office of Information Services (DHS) |
OIT | Office of Information Technology (State of NJ) |
OOA | Office of Auditing (DHS-OPIA) |
OOE | Office of Education (DCF) |
OOIE | Office of the Ombudsman for the Institutionalized Elderly |
OOL | Office of Licensing (DHS-OPIA) |
OPA | Office of Public Affairs (DHS) |
OPDF | Outpatient Drug Free |
OPG | Office of the Public Guardian and Elder Rights |
OPIA | Office of Program Integrity and Accountability (DHS) |
OPMRDD | Office for Prevention of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (DHS) |
OPRA | Open Public Records Act |
ORR | Office of Refugee Resettlement - U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children & Families |
OT | Occupational Therapy |
PA | Provider Agency |
PAAD | Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled |
PAC | Professional Advisory Committee (DAS) |
PACADA | Providers Advisory Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse |
PACE | Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly |
PACT | Programs of Assertive Community Treatment |
PAIMI | Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness |
PAIR | Protection and Advocacy for Individual Rights |
PAP | Pharmaceutical Assistance Program |
PAS | Pre-Admission Screen for NF Level of Care |
PASP | Personal Assistance Services Program (DDS) |
PASRR | Pre-Admission Screening & Resident Review |
PASS | Social Security Administration Plan to Achieve Self-Support |
PATH | Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness |
PATS | Perinatal Addiction Treatment Services (DAS) |
PBC | Performance Based Contracts |
PBM | Performance Based Management |
PC | Partial Care |
PCA | Personal Care Attendant or Personal Care Assistance |
PCTF | Primary Care Task Force (DMHS) |
PDD | Pervasive Developmental Disorder |
PDP | Prescription Drug Plan |
PEIS | Prevention & Early Intervention Services (DAS) |
PFA | Psychological First Aid |
PIC | Program Improvement Committee |
PIP | Program Improvement Plan |
PMO | Program Management Officer |
PNA | Personal Needs Allowance |
PPMD | Postpartum Mood Disorder |
PPR | Prescription Price Registry, NJ |
PPSD | Postpartum Stress Disorder |
PRO | Peer Review Organization |
PRS | Peer Recovery Services (DAS) |
PSCU | Patient Services Compliance Unit (DMHS) |
PT | Physical Therapy |
PTSD | Posttraumatic Stress Disorder |
PVC | Polyvinyl Chloride (OPMRDD) |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QAC | Quality Assurance Coordinator |
QAS | Quality Assurance Specialist |
QCMR | Quarterly Contract Monitoring Report |
QI | Quality Indicator |
QMP | Quality Management & Planning (DDD) |
QSR | Quality Service Review |
RDS | Resource Development Specialist |
RDTC | Regional Diagnostic Treatment Centers |
RFI | Request for Information |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RFQ | Request for Qualifications |
RHCF | Residential Health Care Facility |
RHHI | Regional Home Health Intermediary |
REIC | Regional Early Intervention Collaborative |
RMS | Risk Management System (OPIA) |
RRG | Refugee Resettlement Grant (DFD) |
RRP | Refugee Resettlement Program (DFD) |
RSD | Reflexive Sympathetic Dystrophy |
RSS | Recovery Support Services (DAS) |
SACWIS | Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System (DCF) |
SAI | Substance Abuse Initiative |
SAIF | Supportive Assistance to Individuals and Families (DFD) |
SAGE | System for Administering Grants Electronically |
SAMHSA | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration |
SAMS | Social Assistance Management System (a software program owned/operated by Harmony) |
SAPT | Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment |
SASSI | Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory |
SBYSP | School Based Youth Services Program (DCF) |
SCAHS | Special Child and Adult Health Services |
SCHIP | State Children's Health Insurance Program (US) - NJ FamilyCare |
SCI | Spinal Cord Injury |
SCIP | Screening and Crisis Intervention Program |
SCORE | Service Core of Retired Executives |
SCP | Standard Contract Packages (DFD) |
SCR | Statewide Centralized Registry |
SDM | Structured Decision Making |
SDS | Self-Directed Services (DDD) |
SE or SES | Supportive Employment Services |
SHIAP | State Health Insurance Assistance Program |
SILC | Statewide Independent Living Council |
SIT | Special Initiatives and Transportation (DFD) |
SJIA | South Jersey Initiative for Adolescents (DAS) |
SLMB | Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary |
SNAP | Special Needs Advocate for Parents |
SNAP | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps) |
SPAN | Statewide Parents Advocacy Network |
SRCP | Statewide Respite Care Program |
SRU | Special Response Unit |
SSA | Social Security Administration |
SSDI | Social Security Disability Income |
SSH | Social Services for the Homeless |
SSI | Supplemental Security Income |
STR | Short Term Residential |
STS | Speech To Speech |
SUA | State Unit on Aging |
TANF | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families |
TARP | Technology Assistive Resource Program |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury |
TBIF | Traumatic Brain Injury Fund |
TDD | Telecommunications Device for the Deaf |
TEE | Thorough and Efficient Education |
TLJC | Time Limited Job Coaching |
TO | Table of Organization |
TPD | Treatment Provider Directory (DAS) |
TPH | Trenton Psychiatric Hospital |
TT | Text Telephone |
TTY | Teletypewriter |
UAP | University Affiliated Program |
UCC | Uniform Construction Code |
UCPA | United Cerebral Palsy Association |
UFC | Uniform Fire Code |
UIR | Unusual Incident Report (OPIA) |
UIRMS | Unusual Incident Report and Management System (OPIA) |
UR | Utilization Review |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development |
USF | Universal Service Fund |
USTF | Unified Services Transaction Form |
VA | Veterans' Administration |
VI | Visually Impaired |
VMHS | Veterans Mental Health Services (DMHS) |
VRS | Vocational Rehabilitation Services |
VS | Vision Simulation (CBVI) |
WFNJ | WorkFirst New Jersey |
WFNJSAI | WorkFirst New Jersey Substance Abuse Initiative |
WIC | Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children |
WIOA | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act |
WRAP | Wellness and Recovery Action Plan |
X, Y and Z
YAP | Youth Advocate Program |
YCM | Youth Case Management |
YSC | Youth Service Commission |
What Does the Acronym Tarp Stand for
Source: https://www.state.nj.us/humanservices/resources/acronyms.html
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