Science experiments for Class 7

Science experiments for Class 7 – CBSE syllabus

  • Chapter 1: Nutrition in Plants
    • Activity – 1.1: Photosynthesis
    • Activity – 1.2: How organisms acquire nutrients?
  • Chapter 2: Nutrition in Animals
    • Activity – 2.1: Different ways of taking food
    • Activity – 2.2: Type of teeths
    • Activity – 2.3: Effect of salive on starch
    • Activity – 2.4: Position of taste buds
  • Chapter 3: Fibre to Fabric
    • Activity – 3.1: Hairs coarse and soft
    • Activity – 3.2: Pictures of animals whose hair is used as wool
    • Activity – 3.3: Mark the places on map where you find the animals that provide wool
    • Activity – 3.4: Debate on rearing sheep and then chopping of their hair
    • Activity – 3.5: Collect pieces of silk cloth and paste them
    • Activity – 3.6: Burning of silk thread, woollen thread and noticing the smell while burning
    • Activity – 3.7: Stages of the life history of silk moth
  • Chapter 4: Heat
    • Activity – 4.1: Is our sense of touch reliable?
    • Activity – 4.2: Reading a thermometer
    • Activity – 4.3: Measuring the body temperature of some persons
    • Activity – 4.4: Measuring the temperature of water with a laboratory thermometer
    • Activity – 4.5: What is the use of kink in clinical thermometer
    • Activity – 4.6: Transfer of heat
    • Activity – 4.7: Heat conductors and insulators
    • Activity – 4.8: Convection of heat in water
    • Activity – 4.9: Transfer of heat by convection in air
    • Activity – 4.10: Which surface absrob more heat, dark or light colour
    • Activity – 4.11: Which clothes are more suitable in summer, dark or light colour
  • Chapter 5: Acids, Bases and Salts
    • Activity – 5.1: Blue and Red litmus test
    • Activity – 5.2: Turmeric is another natural indicator
    • Activity – 5.3: China rose as indicator
    • Activity – 5.4: Different acids effects on litmus paper, turmeric paper and china rose
    • Activity – 5.5: Neutralisation
  • Chapter 6: Physical and Chemical changes
    • Activity – 6.1: Physical changes
    • Activity – 6.2: Physical changes
    • Activity – 6.3: Physical changes
    • Activity – 6.4: Physical changes
    • Activity – 6.5: Physical changes
    • Activity – 6.6: Chemical changes
    • Activity – 6.7: Chemical changes
    • Activity – 6.8: Chemical changes
    • Activity – 6.9: Crystallisation
  • Chapter 7: Weather, Climate and Adaptations of animals to climate
    • Activity – 7.1: Weather report
    • Activity – 7.2: Mark polar regions and tropical regions on map
  • Chapter 8: Winds, Storms and cyclones
    • Activity – 8.1: Air exerts pressure
    • Activity – 8.2: Blowing into the bottle
    • Activity – 8.3: Blow the balloons
    • Activity – 8.4: Can you blow and lift
    • Activity – 8.5: Air expand on heating
    • Activity – 8.6: Hot air rising up
  • Chapter 9: soil
    • Activity – 9.1: Soil teeming with life
    • Activity – 9.2: Soil profile
    • Activity – 9.3: Soil types
    • Activity – 9.4: Properties of soil
    • Activity – 9.5: Moisture in soil
    • Activity – 9.6: Absorption of water by soil
  • Chapter 10 : Respiration in organisms
    • Activity – 10.1: Breathing
    • Activity – 10.2: Count the breathing rate
    • Activity – 10.3: Variation in the breathing rate
    • Activity – 10.4: Effect of breathing on the chest size
    • Activity – 10.5: How much air a person can hold in the lungs
    • Activity – 10.6: Why do we breathe out
  • Chapter 11 : Transportation in Animals and Plants
    • Activity – 11.1: Pulse rate
    • Activity – 11.2: Heart beat and pulse rate
    • Activity – 11.3: How did water get inside the potato?
  • Chapter 12: Reproduction in plants
    • Activity – 12.1: Vegetative propogation
    • Activity – 12.2: Vegetative propogation
    • Activity – 12.3: Reproduction in yeast by budding
    • Activity – 12.4: Study the parts of stamen or pistil
  • Chapter 13 : Motion and Time
    • Activity – 13.1: Slow or Fast
    • Activity – 13.2: Simple pendulum
    • Activity – 13.3: Measuring the speed of the ball
  • Chapter 14: Electric Current and its effects
    • Activity – 14.1: Electric circuit
    • Activity – 14.2: Heating effect of electric current
    • Activity – 14.3: Heating effect of electric current
    • Activity – 14.4: Electric fuse
    • Activity – 14.5: Magnetic effect of electric current
    • Activity – 14.6: Electro magnet
  • Chapter 15: Light
    • Activity – 15.1: Light gets reflected from plane mirror
    • Activity – 15.2: Image
    • Activity – 15.3: Locating image in a plane mirror
    • Activity – 15.4: Right or Left
    • Activity – 15.5: A concave and a convex mirror
    • Activity – 15.6: Concave mirror forms a real image
    • Activity – 15.7: Image formed by the concave mirror is smaller or larger
    • Activity – 15.8: Convex mirror
    • Activity – 15.9: Convex lens
    • Activity – 15.10: Image from convex lens real or virtual
    • Activity – 15.11: Sunlight – white or coloured
    • Activity – 15.12: A disc with seven colours
  • Chapter 16: Water: A Precious Resource
    • Activity – 16.1: Collect clippings, paper cuttings related to water shortage
    • Activity – 16.2: Activity shows small quantity of water available
    • Activity – 16.3: Water cycle
    • Activity – 16.4: Name few industries and their products
    • Activity – 16.5: Rainfall map of India
  • Chapter 17: Forests: Our Lifeline
    • Activity – 17.1: Observing the things at home
    • Activity – 17.2: Visiting a forest or park
    • Activity – 17.3: Activity to find worm growth